The Magic Oz - a gift from Australia

One day in November 2002 John from Australia showed up with a Magic Box full of presents from children in his country. The idea was to develop a concept of similar boxes to children all over world. Inside the box were handmade puppets, costumes and loads of letters.

The box was given to MMCC as John soon realised the circus was able to turn it into a part of its activities. But… what to do with a single box and hundreds of children at the child-center. It is simply a matter of improvising….

The next day the playground at Aschiana was changed into a small stage in less than an hour. MMCC-children was briefly taught to act with the puppets and in a small show the gifts one by one was taken from the Magic Box and introduced to the curious audience who came out from their classrooms in Aschiana.

The letters were afterwards translated for the children and replied one by one.


Opening the magic box

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On stilts >

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International child day >