In the press

MMCC is attracting a growing amount of press interest in Afghanistan and internationally.

Some we cannot print here for copyright reasons, like the very nice article Reuter's did in September.

But here's a small selection:



MMCC's children election drew quite a lot of press.

Circus comes to Afghan schoolchildren
Circus Brings Joy, Focus to Afghan Children
  Natioanl Public Radio>
Letter of Recognition
  Patch Adam>
Juggling in Afghanistan
  By Bob Brustman
HARVARD Univercity GAZETTE, Harvard News Office>

Mobile Mini Circus for Children (MMCC), Kabul

Article by Jeff Rosenberg for Kjaer & Kjaer Magazine. Spring 2005 >

Making Mullahs Smile, Martin Gerner , Translation from German: Jennifer Taylor-Gaida>
Democracy on stilts

Article written by our chairman and printed in Danish daily "Politiken". October 2004 (in Danish) >

MMCC Mini Mobile Children’s Circus

Article from the international project Visiting Arts' homepage >

Manufacturing Hope for Children

MALALAY women magazine in 2002 >

Where Laughter is the Order of the Day

By Jessica Barry, Freelance Journalist. Spring 2005>

The Mobile Mini Circus for children

Article from “Kabul SCENE MAGAZINE”. April 2004 >