Vedtægter for MMCC – Mobile Mini Circus for Children in Afghanistan

§1. Navn og hjemsted
Foreningens navn er MMCC – Mobile Mini Circus for Children– Foreningen har organisatorisk hjemsted i København i Danmark.

§ 2. Historie
MMCC blev som projekt etableret af David Mason i april 2002, hvorefter der blev stiftet en støttekommitte for projektet i Danmark. Begge dele er videreført i den nuværende organisation af MMCC.

§ 3. Formål
MMCC er en nonprofit organisation, hvis formål er at styrke børns rettigheder og vilkår, uddannelse og livsglæde gennem optræden og andre kreative aktiviteter, f.eks. cirkus og teater, story telling, workshops, spil, artistiske øvelser og sport. Foreningen er uafhængig af politiske, religiøse og økonomiske interesser.

§ 4. Økonomi
MMCC er en forening. MMCC hæfter udelukkende med organisationens formue. Foreningens arbejde finansieres ved medlemskontingenter og medlemsbidrag, ved offentlige og private fonds- og puljemidler, ved indsamlinger og ved andre bidrag.

§ 5. Organisationens sammensætning
Stk. 1. MMCC udgøres af to sektioner: En sektion i Danmark samt en sektion i Afghanistan.

Stk. 2. Som individuelt medlem kan optages personer, der støtter MMCC´s formål.

Stk. 3. Som kollektivt medlem kan optages organisationer, virksomheder og andre sammenslutninger, der støtter MMCC´s formål. Kollektive medlemmer optages af bestyrelsen på eget initiativ eller efter indstilling fra de lokale støttekomiteer.

Stk. 4. Individuelle og kollektive medlemmer, som på væsentlige punkter handler i strid med foreningens vedtægter og formål, kan ekskluderes af foreningen. Bestyrelsen træffer beslutning herom.

§ 6. Kontingent
Medlemskab tegnes for et år. Kontingentet fastsættes på de ordinære generalforsamlinger i henholdsvis Danmark og Afghanistan efter indstilling fra de lokale støttekomiteer.
Størrelsen af kontingentet kan differentieres under hensyntagen til lokale forhold.

§ 7. Ordinære generalforsamlinger
MMCC afholder ordinær generalforsamling én gang om året i henholdsvis Danmark og Afghanistan på samme dato i marts eller april måned.

Generalforsamlingerne er ligestillede, dog med den undtagelse at den statsautoriserede revisor vælges på generalforsamlingen i Danmark.

Generalforsamlingens dagsorden i både Danmark og Afghanistan skal indeholde følgende punkter – dog jfr. ovenfor vedrørende punkt 9:

1. Valg af dirigent og referent
2. Beretning fra bestyrelsen
3. Fremlæggelse af årsregnskab
4. Fastsættelse af kontingent
5. Indkomne forslag
6. Valg af medlemmer af de respektive støttekomiteer
7. Valg af bestyrelse i overensstemmelse med vedtægternes §8
8. Valg af lokal kritisk revisor i henholdsvis Danmark og Afghanistan
9. Valg af statsautoriseret revisor (vælges i Danmark)
10. Eventuelt

Generalforsamlingen såvel som eventuelle ekstraordinære generalforsamlinger indkaldes skriftligt pr. e-mail eller brev samt offentliggøres på MMCC´s hjemmeside: med minimum fire ugers varsel. Indkaldelsen skal indeholde dagsorden.

Forslag til generalforsamlingen og forslag om vedtægtsændringer skal være bestyrelsen i hænde senest tre uger før generalforsamlingen og offentliggøres på foreningens hjemmeside senest to uger før afholdelse af generalforsamlingen.
Vedtægtsændringer skal vedtages med simpelt flertal i begge sektioner.

Alle fremmødte medlemmer har stemmeret. Hvert kollektivt og hvert enkeltmedlem har én stemme.

Ekstraordinære generalforsamlinger skal afholdes, hvis dette begæres af mindst en fjerdel af medlemmerne af en af de to sektioner eller besluttes af bestyrelsen. Begæring om ekstraordinær generalforsamling skal ske skriftligt med angivelse af emnet.

Ekstraordinære generalforsamlinger indkaldes af bestyrelsen med frister som anført for ordinære generalforsamlinger – og afholdes på samme dato i de to sektioner.

§ 8. Bestyrelsen
Stk. 1 – Valg:
MMCC´s bestyrelse vælges for et år af gangen med mulighed for genvalg. Den består af syv medlemmer, hvoraf de fire vælges af generalforsamlingen i Danmark og de øvrige tre vælges af generalforsamlingen i Afghanistan.

I hver sektion vælges endvidere en første og en anden suppleant for sektionens bestyrelsesmedlemmer –ligeledes for et år med mulighed for genvalg.

Valgbare til bestyrelsen i de respektive sektioner er medlemmer, der på tidspunktet for afholdelse af generalforsamlingen er bosat i henholdsvis Danmark og Afghanistan, dog ikke ansatte. Kandidater til bestyrelsen kan opstilles mundtligt indtil valget på generalforsamlingen.

Bestyrelsesmedlemmer, der repræsenterer kollektive medlemmer, er valgt på personligt mandat og kan i valgperioden ikke udskiftes/suppleres af den repræsenterede organisation.

I bestyrelsen indgår herudover MMCC´s projektleder(e) og de kritiske revisorer med observatørstatus.

Stk. 2 – Opgaver:
Bestyrelsen er ansvarlig for MMCC´s generelle politik og økonomi og godkender dispositioner af overordnet karakter for organisationens drift og udvikling.

Bestyrelsen konstituerer sig selv og vælger blandt sin midte en formand. Formanden skal være dansk statsborger eller have dansk opholdstilladelse.

Bestyrelsen fastsætter selv sin forretningsorden og sit kommissorium. Bestyrelsen kan nedsætte udvalg og fastsætte deres kommissorium efter behov.

Den daglige ledelse varetages af MMCC´s projektleder(e) i samarbejde med en af bestyrelsen udpeget person.

Bestyrelsen ansætter projektleder(e). Projeklederen (-ne) er ansvarlige for den daglige ledelse af det enkelte projekt overfor bestyrelsen.

§ 9. Støttekomiteer
Generalforsamlingerne i de respektive sektioner vælger henholdsvis en dansk og en afghansk støttekomite, der hver består af mindst fem medlemmer. Støttekomiteerne kan løbende supplere sig selv efter behov.

Støttekomiteernes formål er at skabe økonomisk grundlag for samt medvirke til kendskabet til og udviklingen af MMCC i Afghanistan.

§ 10. Regnskaber og tegningsret
Stk. 1. MMCC’s regnskabsår går fra den 1. januar til den 31. december.

Stk. 2. MMCC’s regnskaber revideres af en statsautoriseret revisor, der vælges af generalforsamlingen i Danmark, samt af 2 kritiske revisorer, der vælges af generalforsamlingerne i henholdsvis Afghanistan og Danmark.

Stk. 3. MMCC tegnes af den daglige ledelse (jf. § 8, stk. 2) i forening eller af et absolut flertal af bestyrelsen. Bestyrelsen kan meddele fuldmagt til ansatte eller til medlemmer af bestyrelsen. Ingen ansat kan dog alene tegne for konti i pengeinstitutter.

§ 11. Ændringer af vedtægter
Vedtægtsændringer skal vedtages med simpelt flertal ved en ordinær eller ekstraordinær generalforsamling i henholdsvis Afghanistan sektionen og Danmark sektionen. Hvis ændringsforslaget forkastes på én af de to generalforsamlinger bortfalder forslaget.

§ 12. Opløsning
Stk. 1. Beslutning om opløsning af MMCC skal for at have gyldighed vedtages med 3/4 af de fremmødte medlemmer på to på hinanden følgende generalforsamlinger i begge MMCC’s sektioner (Afghanistan og Danmark).

Stk. 2. I tilfælde af MMCC’s opløsning disponeres der over foreningens midler efter nærmere bestemmelse af den generalforsamling, som vedtager opløsningen. For så vidt angår bevilgede midler, disponeres der efter særlig aftale med de pågældende donorer. MMCC’s arkiver overgår til rigsarkivet.

§ 13. Ikrafttræden
Vedtægterne er gyldige umiddelbart efter afsluttet generalforsamling, hvorpå de er vedtaget.

Articles of Association for MMCC – Mobile Mini Circus for Children in Afghanistan

§1. Name and registered office
The name of the organisation (the NGO) is MMCC – Mobile Mini Circus for Children. The NGO has its organizational base in Copenhagen, Denmark.

§2. History
MMCC was established as a project by David Mason in April 2002. Subsequently, a support committee for the project was established in Denmark. The work of the project as well as support committee is carried out through the NGO.

§3. Purpose
MMCC is a non-profit organisation, the purpose of which is to promote the rights and well-being of children, as well as their education and joy of life, through performances and other creative activities - e.g., through circus and theatre, story-telling, workshops, games, artistic training and sports. The NGO is independent of all political, religious and economic interests.

§4. Finances
MMCC is an NGO, whose liability is limited solely to the assets of the NGO. The work of the NGO is financed though membership fees and the contributions of public and private foundations and funds, through public fund-raising and other contributions.

§5. Organisational structure
(1) MMCC has two divisions: A division in Denmark and a division in Afghanistan.
(2) Any individual supporting the aims of MMCC is eligible for membership.
(3) Organisations, companies and other associations that support the aims of MMCC may also be eligible for membership as collective members. Collective members must be approved by the board and may seek membership at its own initiative or upon recommendation by local support committees.
(4) Individual or collective members who materially breach the organisation’s articles of association and aims of MMCC are subject to expulsion. Decisions with respect to expulsion shall be taken by the board.

§6. Membership fee
Membership is for one year at a time. The membership fee shall be determined at the ordinary general meetings in Denmark and Afghanistan, respectively, based upon the recommendations of the local support committees. Each division may set its own membership fee and may take local conditions into account.

§7 Ordinary general meetings
MMCC shall hold its annual general meeting on the same date in March or April in both Denmark and Afghanistan.

The general meeting in each country shall have equal authority and standing, except with respect to the selection of the organisation’s certified public (statsautoriseret) accountant, which accountant shall be selected at the annual general meeting in Denmark.

The agenda for the annual general meeting must contain the following items in both Denmark and Afghanistan – except item 9 in accordance with the above-referenced provision:

1. Election of meeting chairperson and reporter
2. Board of directors’ report
3. Presentation of accounts
4. Determination of membership fee.
5. Proposed resolutions
6. Election of members to the national support committees.
7. Election of board pursuant § 8 of the articles of association.
8. Election of local auditor in Denmark and Afghanistan respectively.
9. Election of certified public (statsautoriseret) accountant (elected in Denmark)
10. Other business

Notice of ordinary general meetings, as well as extraordinary general meetings, shall be given to all members in writing by e-mail or letter, as well as on the MMCC home page: no less than four weeks in advance. Notice of the meeting shall contain the agenda.

Proposals for resolutions to be considered by the general meeting and resolutions to amend the articles of associations shall be submitted to the board no less than three weeks prior to the general meeting and shall be made available on the home page no less than two weeks prior to the date on which the general meeting is held.
Amendments to the articles of association shall be approved by a simple majority in both divisions.

All current members shall have the right to vote. Each collective and individual member has one vote.

Extraordinary general meetings shall be called by the board or upon the request of a minimum of a quarter of members of one of the two divisions. The request for an extraordinary general meeting must be in writing and provide notice of the topic(s) to be determined.

Notice of extraordinary general meetings shall be provided by the board pursuant to the same terms as ordinary general meetings and shall be held on the same date in the two divisions.

§8 The Board
(1) Election:
The board of MMCC shall serve for a period of a year and may be re-elected. The board shall consist of seven members, of which four shall be elected at the general meeting in Denmark and the remaining three shall be elected by the general meeting in Afghanistan.

Each division shall also elect a first and second alternate member to its board subject to the same term and possibility of re-election.

Any member permanently resident in Denmark or Afghanistan, respectively, on the date of the general meeting, except MMCC employees, may be eligible to be elected to the board in their respective divisions. Candidates for the board may be nominated by oral motion until the time of the election by the general meeting.

Board members representing collective members shall be elected personally and may not be replaced by the representative organisation.

MMCC project leaders and the auditor have status as observers in the board.

(2) – Responsibilities
The board shall be responsible for the general policy and finances of MMCC and approve dispositions of a general nature with respect to the running and development of the organisation.

The board shall meet and elect a chairperson from among its members. The chairperson must be a Danish citizen or have legal residency in Denmark.

The board shall set its own order of business and mandate. The board may form sub-committees and determine their mandate as needed.

MMCC project leaders shall see to the daily management in cooperation with a person appointed by the board.

The board shall hire project leaders. The project leaders shall be responsible to the board for the daily management of particular projects.

§ 9 Support committees
The general meetings in the respective divisions shall elect a Danish and an Afghan support committee, respectively, each with a minimum of five members. If needed, the support committees may supplement themselves.

The aim of the support committees is to create a financial basis for supporting and promoting the knowledge and development of MMCC in Afghanistan.

§ 10 Accounting and authority to bind the association
(1) The fiscal year of MMCC runs from January 1 to December 31.
(2) MMCC’s accounts shall be audited by a certified public (statsautoriseret) accountant, elected by the genera meeting in Denmark, and by two auditors, elected by the general meetings in Denmark and Afghanistan, respectively.
(3) MMCC may be bound jointly by the daily management (see §8(2)) or by a majority of all board members. The board may authorize to employees or to individual members of the board to act as its agent. No employee alone has the right to bind the organization with respect to funds deposited in a financial institution alone.

§ 11 Amendment of articles of association
The articles of association may be amended by a simple majority at an ordinary or extraordinary general meeting in the Afghanistan division and the Denmark division, respectively. In the event the proposed amendment is not approved by one of the two general meetings, the proposal shall be rejected.

§ 12 Dissolution
(1) To be valid, the decision to dissolve MMCC must be approved by three-fourths of the current members at two successive general meetings in both of MMCC’s divisions (Afghanistan and Denmark).
(2) In the event of the dissolution of MMCC, the general meeting that approves dissolution shall dispose of the means of the organisation. With respect to already funds granted, a special agreement shall be entered into with the donors as to the disposal of such funds. The archives of MMCC shall be transferred to the Danish National Archives (Rigsarkivet).

§ 13 Validity
The articles of association shall become effective immediately upon approval by the general meeting at which they have been adopted.