Getting started

In spring 2002 David Mason took off to Kabul to prepare the project and to look for potiential donors.
After two month of having received several promises but practically no money, frustration was building up.

Then suddenly in the end of May 2002, Wafi Amin, an Afghan-american man, showed up with 1,000 US dollar, saying that he liked the idea of The Mobile Circus for Children.
The project was now able to take off with at least a minimum of activities.

With the money David Mason immediately went to Pakistan. Two weeks later he returned to Kabul loaded with theatre-masks, funny things for clowning and lots of small and big toys. Together this made a base for starting the activities for and with the children.
Four weeks later MMCC had its first public event in corporation with Kabul Theatre.



Next news:
First performance >

About MMCC:
Making the children laugh >