9 of the 21 stories are translated to English so far

I was not lucky enough to live with or have a grandmother who lived close by. However I had many aunts from my mother side and whenever I went to my mother’s village and stay there overnight, they will gather and tell stories. The fact that I have been away from that environment for over 45 years has made a big dent in my memory of the time, but I remember one short story very well. As I recall it my eldest aunt will tell us:

Ahmad Duranai 021


Once upon a time, there was a great king in a faraway place. He had a large court and many people stayed and worked there. One night the king had a dream and he did not know what it meant. He was very disturbed by the dream. The next morning when he opened his court to receive his subjects and visitors... He asked his aides to bring one of his dream interpreters.... so that he can interpret his dream.
The courtiers, seeing how serious the King looked, hurriedly escorted a person in long robe and a white beard. He stood in front of the king and bowed to offer his respects and said, “ I am here at your service your Majesty.”
The king said, “ last night I had a dream that all my teeth fell down and I lost them. Tell me what does this dream mean? I want to know right away. After the dream I woke up and could not sleep the whole night.”
The man in long robe and white beard bowed again, hesitated for a short while and then said, “ Your majesty.. what can I say....this is a... a.... very sad dream... you will lose all your friends and you will be left alone without friend in your old age. ... it really is a sad dream and.....”
Before he could finish his sentence, the king got furious and with a loud and scary voice told his lieutenants to punish this man by throwing him in the dungeon. Then he ordered another interpreter be brought to him.
The second interpreter came to the court of the king and he already had heard about the fate of the first one. He came and bowed and said, “ I am here at your service your Majesty.”
The king said, “ last night I had a dream that all my teeth fell down and I lost them. Tell me what does this dream mean? I want to know right away. After the dream I woke up and could not sleep the whole night.”
The interpreter who, like the first interpreter was also wearing a long robe and white beard bowed again, hesitated for a short while, remembered the fate of the first one and then said, “ Your majesty.. You are a very luck and blessed King and your subjects are also very lucky. You will have a very long life... much longer than all your friends.... for they will all die but you will be still alive and rule over your subjects who will be happy to have you as their king.”
The King was very pleased and rewarded him with a sack of gold coins and elevated him to a higher position in his court.

And then the aunt will tell us that one can say the same facts in many different ways. Some ways will take to the dungeons and others will elevate you to the position of respect and riches....
I had completely forgotten about this childhood tale until just a few years ago when I started a new program of personal development to improve my communication skills. This story suddenly refreshed itself in my memory and now I am sharing with you the reader.

Wahab Slahaddin

Translated by Nushin Arbabzadah

You Can Achieve Anything with Love



A woman stepped out of her home and encountered three fine-faced old men standing in front of her door. She told them:
- I don’t know you but I have a feeling that you might be hungry. Please come in so I can offer you something to eat.
The men asked her:
- Is your husband home?
The woman said:
- No, he is out. He had some jobs to do.
The men said:
- In that case, we can’t come in. We’ll wait.
In the evening, when the husband returned home, the woman told him about the incident. Her husband told her: Tell them that your husband is home now, and that they should come in.
The woman stepped out and invited the three men into the house but the men said:
-We are not going to enter the house together.
Taken aback, the woman asked: Why?
One of the old men pointed at another one of them and said: His name is wealth.
And then he pointed at another of the trio and said: His name is success. And my name is love. Now you choose which one of us you’d like to invite to your home.
The woman returned home and told her husband what had happened.
The husband said: Oh great! Let’s invite wealth in so our home will be filled with riches.
The wife was against this idea and suggested: Why not invite success?
Their offspring, who was listening to them, said: Why not let love in? So our home will be filled with love and care.
The wife and husband both agreed with him. The woman then stepped out and asked: Which one of you is love? He’s our guest.
Love stood up, but wealth and success also stood up and set off, following him. Astonished, the woman asked: But what are you doing? Why are you coming?
The three men said in unison: If you had invited wealth or success, the rest of us wouldn’t have followed. But wherever there’s love, there’s also wealth and success.
Yes, with love you can achieve anything you desire.


Rada Akbar

Translated by Nushin Arbabzadah


The Lazy Boy




Once upon a time there used to be an old woman who used to live with her son, a lazy boy. Her husband had passed away many years ago, and the woman had been left alone, living with her lazy son. The poor woman was working night and day to provide a bite or two of food for herself and her son. As time passed, the boy grew older, day after day. But the older he grew, the more lazy he became. The woman felt that she was getting weaker day by day, and that she could no longer work as hard as she did in the past, and that she was becoming unable to provide for herself and her son. So she confronted her son and told him: I have worked all my life to provide for you. My son, you are now a grown up but I have become old and weak. I can no longer provide for us. Why don’t you get a job to earn us a living? The boy, who was very lazy and didn’t feel like working, feigned ignorance. The old woman became angry and said: If you don’t work, then, from now on there is only place for one of us in this house, either me or you. And she kicked out the lazy boy.

The boy was thrown out of home and sat off, walking. On the way, he encountered a little boy who was selling yoghurt. The lazy boy grabbed a bag of yoghurt, put it in his pocket and ran away. A while later, he encountered a boy on the street who was selling eggs. Again, he grabbed a bunch of eggs and fled. Further on his way, the lazy boys bumped into a bunch of frogs who were jumping up and down. He grabbed two of them, and put them in his pocket. Further on the way, he bumped into a mule and picked a few hair from the mule’s tail and put them into his pocket. A few steps further on the way, he spotted a sparrow sitting on a branch. He jumped, grabbed the bird and put him into his pocket.

Having walked a great deal, the lazy body was feeling exhausted and ended up falling asleep somewhere in a corner of a street. But since his clothes were filthy, flies gathered around him, buzzing and preventing him from having a restful sleep. The boy stood up and noticed that something had spilled on his trouser leg and whatever it was, the flies had gathered around it. The lazy boy lifted his hand and massacred the flies in one sharp strike. When he removed his hand, he counted the flies. There were seven flies. His eyes widened and he was astonished at himself: “Wow, I am so strong that I’ve killed seven people in one go!”

The lazy boy sat off and reached a tailor and told the tailor to make him a belt. The tailor said: But why? How come? I mean what have you done to deserve a belt? The lazy boy said: I have so much strength that I managed to kill seven people in one go. The tailor, then, made a belt and wrote on the belt: I have killed seven people in one strike.

The story then was being told and retold and eventually reached the king. The king was astounded and said: There’s a man who has managed to kill seven people in one strike! There were three monsters in the town who used to kill half of the king’s army every years, causing damage to the king and the people’s property, leaving the town half-ruined. The king said: If this person managed to kill the monsters, I’d give him my crown, throne, daughter and kingdom. News of this reached the lazy boy who said: I will kill the monsters.

The lazy boy then collected stones, and carried them with him to a branch on the top of a tree underneath which the monsters were sleeping. He took out one stone after another and dropped them on the monsters. One of the monsters opened his eye and said: Hey, jungle fly, go away. Why don’t you let me sleep? The lazy boy picked another stone and dropped it on the monster’s head. The monster said again: Hey, jungle fly, why don’t you leave me in peace? When the monster stood up, he realized that there was no fly around. He assumed that one of his monsters must have been trying to irritate him. All three monsters assumed this same scenario which is why they started fighting each other and as a result, only one of them survived. The lazy boy noticed that he had had some success and two of the monsters were dead. So perched up high on the tree, he started laughing at the monster who had stayed alive. He shouted: It’s me! The monster said: Are you a monster? A jinn? Or one of the mankind? The lazy boy again laughed and said: I am a human being. The monster was astonished. He said: You? You are a human being? How can you have this type of strength? Again, the lazy boy laughed and said: I am very strong. Didn’t you see how I killed two monsters? I am going to kill you, too. The monster said: You? Even ten of you won’t be able to kill me. And then, to prove his points, he said: Let’s bet. The lazy boy said: Alright! I’d agree to any condition.

The monster said: Okay, squeeze a stone in your fist so hard as to make it melt. He then picked a stone and pressed it in his fist until the stone become all soft. Then it was the turn of the lazy boy. He pulled out an egg from his pocket and pressed it. A white and yellow liquid come out, as if the inside of a stone had been emptied, and was spilling onto the ground. The monster then said: Okay, let’s spit and let’s see who’s spit is more impressive. The monster spitted and the ground become wet. The lazy boy dropped the yoghurt bag from the top of the tree and yoghurt covered the ground. The monster was amazed. He said: Okay, let’s pull out a few hair from our beard and compare their length. He then pulled out a few hair from his beard, and threw them to the ground. The lazy boy dropped a few donkey tail hair to the ground and they were much longer than the monster’s beard. The monster, who was very frightened by now, said: Alright. Let’s throw a stone up in the air and see who’s stone flies higher. He then picked up a stone and threw it up in the air, using all his strength. The stones fell on the ground a few meters away from the tree. The lazy boy pulled out a sparrow from his pocket, released it. The sparrow flew off in the air and both the monster and the lazy boy watched it disappear somewhere high up, far away. The monster, who was shaking with fear, said: Alright, let’s compare our lice, to see which one of us has the bigger lice. The monster than threw a lice the size of a fly to the ground. Instead of lice, the lazy boy pulled out a frog from his pocket and threw it to the ground. By now, the monster was terrified, watching the lazy boy. The monster said: Alright. One last bet. The lazy boy was sanguine and said, okay. The monster said: Let’s pull out the tree. The lazy boy again tried to pull off a trick. He said: I’ll shake it from the top, you pull at its trunk, because unlike the branches and leaves, the trunk is small. I mean, there are so many leaves and branches, they require a lot of work. That’s why I am going to stay up here and shake the tree from here. The monster complied and pulled the tree and sat off in the direction of the sea, carrying the tree on his shoulder. When they reached the sea, the lazy boy said: Now, leave the trunk and enter the sea so we can pass through the sea. I’ll cut all the branches. But as soon as the monster sat foot into the sea, he drowned because the sea was very deep. Feeling calm and confident, the lazy boy sat off in the direction of the palace.
The king, upon understanding that the lazy boy had managed to kill all three monsters, fulfilled his promise and gave him his crown, throne and daughter and a celebration took place in the palace for the lazy boy.

Mohammad Ozair Akbari


Translated by Nushin Arbabzadah

importance of waking up early



In times of old there used to be a royal advisor who used to always stress to the king the importance of waking up early. He used to say: If you want to be successful, you have to wake up early every morning because waking up early from sleep helps you in conducting your daily duties, allowing for all the tasks to be done smoothly, and easily. The royal advisor had many times repeated this.

One day, the king was consulting with his other viziers and together they decided to gently tease the advisor. They made a bunch of courtiers dress up as thieves. The following day, the advisor was on his way to the court after having performed his prayers. The thieves, who had been ordered by the king, blocked his path and robbed his money, and his clothes. The advisor went back home, got himself dressed and arrived at the court. Since the advisor was slightly late, the king and the other viziers told him:
- Every day you insisted on the importance of being on time. So what happened to you today?
The advisor said: A bunch of thieves blocked my path today. That’s why I am late.
The king and the other viziers laughed at this and the king said:
- Do you now realize what getting up early really means? It means trouble as you have had it today.
Being wise and efficient, the vizier responded:
- On the contrary, your majesty, today the thieves were up before me and that’s why they succeeded.

Hazrat Wahriz



Translated by Nushin Arbabzadah


Why do dogs hate cats?



Once upon a time there used to be an old man, who used to live in a village, together with his blind wife. They had no children which is why they very much loved the cat and the dog that they kept with them at home. The cat and the dog were very good friends of the couple. Every time the old man left the house, the cat and the dog would help the old woman in doing house chores and the dog would never allow a stranger to enter the house.

One day, when the old man was on his way home after collecting fire wood from the forest, he bumped into a little, green colored snake who was about to faint due to hunger. The snake was almost dying. The old man felt sorry for the snake and took him home, and gave him food. And so, the snake was added to the household. But the old man was very poor and unable to feed himself, his wife, the cat, the dog and the snake. That is why he approached the snake and told him: I helped you as much as I could. But I can no longer support you. You can see for yourself that I am poor, and own nothing. So that’s why it would be better if you left us.

The green snake shook his head and said: Oh you kind old man, you saved my life and now that I am having to leave, I’d like to do you a service. To this end, I am going to leave my tail behind for you. Every time you need money, take my tail and shake it. You’d get hold of as much money as you wish for. The snake then turn around, allowing for the old man to cut his tail. The snake disappeared as soon as the old man chopped off the tail. The old man put the tail inside a chest and buried the chest in a room in the back of the house. Henceforth, every time the old man needed money, he would pull out the chest from underneath the earth, shake the tail and collect the money that fell off the tail and go to the market to purchase bread and rice, oil and potatoes, and sweets. When he returned home, he would make food and divide it into four sections, one portion for the old woman, one for the dog, one for the cat and one for himself. The four of them lived together in this manner and were happy.

One evening, a peddler knocked on the old man’s door and since it was getting dark, he asked to be allowed to spend the night inside. The old man complied and let him into the house.
In the morning, when the old man was shaking the tail for money, he wasn’t aware that the peddler was watching him. As usual the old man went to the market but upon return, he found his wife crying. He asked her, “Why are you crying?” She said, “The peddler has stolen the chest with the snake’s tail.”
The old man became very upset. His wife was also very sad. They spent a long time without speaking. But then, the old man noticed the cat and the dog and told them: Listen, that snake tail provided for all of us. Why don’t you help me find it?
The dog told the cat: Look how sad everyone is. Let’s go, find the chest.
The cat and the dog left the house together. They searched everywhere until they eventually found the peddler. He was about to purchase wedding clothes. The cat and the dog followed the peddler and they saw him embark on a canoe and reach the older side of a wide river, a river as wide as the Oxus. Needless to say, dogs and cats are not allowed into canoes or cars. Hence the cat was very sad. The dog told her: Don’t be sad. I know how to swim. I’ll put you on my back and we’ll cross the river. The dog put the cat on his back, and they crossed the river. They resumed their search and eventually found a house where loud music was being played. They realized that the peddler was holding a wedding and that this was his house. The dog told the cat: I, of course, won’t be able to enter the house unnoticed but you, you can. Make sure on one notices you when you get into the house. Get in and find the chest.
The cat entered the house but no matter how much the cat looked in every direction, he couldn’t find the chest. Eventually, when the cat had lost all hope, he noticed a mouse under a large chest. The cat started chasing the mouse and eventually got the mouse. At that moment, the cat noticed the little chest. It had been put on the bedding. Since the cat couldn’t get up on the bedding without being noticed, he told the mouse: If you fulfill one condition for me, I am going to spare you and not eat you. The mouse, who was shaking like a leaf and fearing for his life, said: Any condition would be alright. Just tell me. The cat said: Get up on the bedding and fetch the little chest and bring it to me. Once you do that, you are free to do whatever you want. The mouse complied, and left and came back with the little chest. The cat fetched the little chest, carrying it in his mouth and leaving the house without making noise.
The cat and the dog were very happy about having retrieved the chest. They walked and walked until they reached the river. Again, the dog had the cat on his back, and the cat was holding the chest in his mouth. The dog told the cat: I realize that you are hungry. But please don’t open your mouth if you see a fish or else the box will drop and all our efforts would be in vain. The cat agreed but while they were moving in the water, the cat saw a bunch of fat fish swimming nearby. The cat couldn’t control himself, wanting to get hold of at least one of them. It was at this instant that the cat’s mouth opened and the chest fell into the water. The cat and the dog were once again upset but the dog said: “Don’t be upset. I will fetch the chest from under the water.” The dog dived in and after a while, he came out, wet and shaggy, holding the chest in his mouth. Since the dog was very tired, as soon as he reached the beach, he stretched himself out and fell asleep. When the cat noticed that the dog was asleep, he fetched the chest and started running very fast, and got to the house. The old man and woman were very happy and praised the cat, lavishing compliments on him. The old man fetched the tail from the chest and shook it. He collected the money that dropped off the tail and went grocery shopping since they had gone without food for a long time.
When the dog woke up, he saw that there was no sign of the cat or the chest. He walked back home, feeling tired and worn out. When he reached home, he saw the cat eating food, hungrily and with much appetite. The old man, who had no idea that it had been the dog who had deserved praise for having saved the chest, shouted at the dog angrily, telling him: You lazy dog, you certainly want me to feed you, right? But I am not going to give you even a piece of dry bread. The cat pretended not to hear and the dog had no option but to walk to the door and then sit by the door. Ever since then, a majority of dogs have not been allowed to enter the house and have had no choice but to stay outside in the courtyard. Ever since then, dogs have hated cats for their disloyalty.


Told by Rada Akbar



Translated by Nushin Arbabzadah


Qahqah Pari




Once upon a time, there was a king who had four daughters but was unwilling to marry them off for fear of having to give them their inheritance. But the girls began to lose patience and demanded from their father to get them married. They just wanted to have their own life, and run their own household. The king, then, gathered all the city’s men, from rich noblemen to poor beggars. He then gave each of his four daughters a pomegranate and told them to throw the pomegranate in the air and marry the man on whose head the fruit lands. Three of the girls were in luck and found themselves allocated to noblemen. But the youngest daughter found herself allocated to a poor boy with a bald head. And so the girls got married, each following their own distinct destiny. The youngest daughter followed her poor husband to the desert where they sat up a tent and started living there.

Some time later, the girl became pregnant. Her husband, then, would leave home every day to go hunting and so provide food for his wife and himself. One day, the girl had a craving for meat. She looked around but couldn’t find anything. But then, her eyes fell on a snake that was moving and winding on the ground. Left with no other option, she killed the snake and cut it into pieces and placed the meat to cook under fire and went to sleep. When her husband returned and was about to prepare food for his wife, his eyes fell on the snake meat. He pulled the meat from under the fire and threw it away. When his wife woke up, she couldn’t find the meat. She asked her husband: “What happened to the meat?” Her husband told her that he had thrown the meat away because if she had eaten the meat, she would have ended up dead.

Nine months and nine days passed and the time arrived for the child to be born. The woman’s husband had left to go hunting and there was no one there with the woman to help her give birth. Her loneliness, her helplessness made the woman cry and ask god for help. And so, crying and praying, she fell asleep. At that same moment four grandmas were sent from heaven by god to help the woman. They gathered around her, helping her give birth to a beautiful daughter.

The girl was born, and the grandmas were about to leave when the woman asked them to give her daughter a present. One of the grandmas said that when she walked, a gold brick would slip down her right leg and a silver one down her left leg. She said that’s my gift for my grand-daughter. Then, the second grandma said that every time she cried, precious stones and jewels would come out of her eyes. She said that that was her present for her beautiful grand daughter. The third grandma said that every time she laughs, flowers spill out of her mouth. And this was her gift for her grand-daughter. And the fourth woman said I am Qahqah Pari and I am giving my name as a gift to my grand daughter.

When the grandmas left, the baby’s father arrived home and realized that a beautiful child had been born to them. He tried to hug the child when the baby started to cry, and jewels and precious stones began to run down her cheeks. A few days passed and the little girl started to laugh. Every time she laughed, nice smelling, beautiful flowers would come out of her mouth and fall to the ground.

Qahqah’s father every day collected the jewels and the flowers and took them to the market for sale. And so, the family’s situation improved gradually. Months passed until the child began to walk and every time she took a step, a gold brick would drop down her right leg and a silver brick would fall down her left leg. Her father then collected the bricks and built a beautiful, large castle. Such was the castle’s beauty that even the king’s palace was no match for it.

One day, a prince ventured out to go hunting and when he arrived in the desert, his eyes fell on the uniquely beautiful castle of Qahqah Pari’s father. He made his horse run faster and reached the castle. He was about to call for the castle’s owner when he saw Qahqah Pari leave the castle and start running. The prince’s eyes were watching in astonishment as gold and silver bricks fell down the girl’s legs and to the ground. When the prince asked her name, Qahqah Pari laughed and nice-smelling beautiful flowers came out of her mouth, falling to the ground. At this moment, her father came out of the castle and was angry with her because she had talked to a stranger. He argued with her and she started crying and jewels and precious stones began to spill out of her eyes. The prince took a shine to Qahqah Pari and asked her father for her hand in marriage. He said Qahqah Pari can stay in her own castle until she grows up and becomes a young girl. He then started visiting the castle.

Years passed and Qahqah Pari grew up, becoming a beautiful young girl. She fell pregnant before getting married which is why her family wanted a quick wedding so she could move to the prince’s castle as soon as possible. Qahqah Pari’s mother invited all her relatives and family to the wedding. When Qahqah Pari’s aunt realized just what sort of life the poor, bald boy had managed to create for her sister, she became envious. After the wedding ceremony was over, the Prince wanted to take Qahqah Pari to his country but since her mother was ill and couldn’t accompany the girl on the journey, he entrusted her to her aunt. The aunt accepted the duty and accompanied by her own daughter and Qahqah Pari, she set off to take the girl to the Prince’s home. They all embarked on camels and set off. A few hours passed and Qahqah Pari felt thirsty and asked her aunt for a little bit of water. Her aunt said: Pull out one of your eyes and I will give you water in return. Qahqah Pari was very thirsty, hence she had no choice but to pull out her eye and give it to her aunt and take the water in return. A few hours later, Qahqah Pari again felt thirsty and again asked her aunt for water. Her aunt asked her to give her the other eye and Pari pulled out her other eye and gave it to her aunt and took the water in return. When Pari had no longer her eyes, her aunt took off Pari’s dress and put it on her own daughter. Then she suffocated Pari and left the body behind in the desert and gave her own daughter to the prince instead. When the body was left behind alone in the desert, the four grandmas appeared again and put the body on a bed and took it to a large and beautiful palace.

When the aunt took her daughter to the prince’s palace, the prince asked the girl to walk. When the girl walked, the prince noticed that there were no gold and silver bricks. He asked her to laugh. The girl laughed but there were no flowers falling to the ground. In brief, all the qualities that the Prince had talked about were not there. The king then asked the girl: What happened to you? The girl said that since she had become a woman and had gotten married, all those abilities had simply stopped. So the aunt and her daughter tricked the king and the prince and started living in the palace. But the Prince was always in thought, wondering why the girl had changed so much. He then became depressed over time, with hunting becoming his only joy in life.

One day, while the Prince was out hunting, his prey slipped through his hand and ran away, and entered a palace. The Prince followed the animal and reached the palace. He came down from his horse and entered the palace. The Palace was big and luxurious but there was no one in it. He walked about for a while and then he saw a tomb far away and as he approached the tomb, he saw a body covered in a silk shroud. He removed the shroud and stared at the face of the dead girl. Then he kissed the girl’s forehead and left. He then started coming to the palace every day and every day he would kiss the dead girl on the forehead before leaving. He noticed over time that the body’s belly was growing bigger day by day and eventually, he found a letter next to the tomb one day. In the letter, the story of Qahqah Pari’s murder had been written down in detail. The letter said that Qahqah Pari’s aunt had kept the girl’s eyes inside a box covered with a peacock feather and had attached it to her body and the Prince should fetch the eyes and bring them back and put them back in their right place so Pari could come back to life.

The Prince returned home and asked his mother in law to hand him the spell box with the peacock feather. The mother in law came up with excuses not to give him the spell box. Eventually, when the Prince realized that he could not persuade the mother in law in a gentle manner, he threatened with violence and fearing for her life, she gave the Prince the spell box. The Prince then went to the palace, put the spell box next to the tomb and left. The grandmas returned and put the eyes in their right place on Qahqah Pari’s eye sockets.

The following day, when the Prince arrives in the palace he sees a figure walking about. When he comes closer to the figure, he realizes that the figure is Qahqah Pari. He takes the girl into his arms and asks her what had happened to her. Qahqah Pari then tells the prince the story of how her aunt had first taken her eyes and then her life. The Prince returns to the palace and asks his wife and mother in law why they had done such things to Qahqah Pari. Then he turns to his mother in law and says, “What would you like to have? Forty burning ovens? Forty lashes or forty horses?” She says, I have no need for the oven, it’ll only cover me in soot and what am I supposed to do with whips? My whole body will ache. Give me the forty horses so I can travel the world. The Prince calls for forty agitated horses. He places the mother in law on a mare and lets the male horses run after the mare. The horses start galloping and the mother in law falls down from the back of the mare and is killed under the horses’ hooves. The Prince then abandons his wife who had tricked him, and brings Qahqah Pari to his palace.
Qahqah Pari sits beside the Prince on the throne and starts telling stories. When she laughs, the throne is covered in nice-smelling, beautiful flowers. When she recalls the bitter story of her life, and cries, her lap is filled with jewels and precious stones. When she stands up from the throne, gold and silver bricks drop down to the floor.


Baqer Tawakoli



Translated by Nushin Arbabzadah

The Nanny with the Cat



(Note: The original tale is told in Hazaraguee dialect of central Afghanistan)

Once upon a time, there used to be a nanny who used to have a cat. One day, the nanny was sweeping the floor when the cat became all excited and naughty, running about and drinking the milk that belonged to the nanny. When the nanny realized that the cat had drunk the milk, she became angry and cut the cat’s tail. She told the cat, “Quick, off you go and bring me milk or else you are not going to get your tail back.” The cat went to the goat and said, “Goat, little goat, give me milk so I can give it to the nanny. She has cut off my tail.”
The goat said, “Go, fetch me some leaves from the tree. I have to first eat leaves so that the leaves turn into milk in my body; and then I will give you the milk so you can take the milk to the nanny and the nanny gives you back your tail.” The cat then went to the tree and said, “Tree, tree, give me some leaves so I can take them to the goat; so the goat can give me some milk; so I can take the milk to the nanny. She has cut off my tail.” The tree said: “Go, fetch me some water so that I can drink water and then the water turns into leaves in my body and then you can take the leaves to the goat; and the goat gives you milk; and you take the milk to the nanny and the nanny gives you back your tail.”
The cat went to the water spring and said, “Water spring, water spring, give me water so I can take the water to the tree; so the tree can grow leaves; and then take the leaves to the goat and the goat gives me milk; and then I take the milk to the nanny and the nanny gives me back my tail.” Since the water spring never runs out of water, it gave the cat water. The cat returned, laughing and excited, and watered the tree. The tree drank the water and grew leaves. The tree gave the leaves to the cat. The cat jumped about happily and laughing, came to the goat. The goat ate the leaves and the leaves turned into milk in her body. The goat gave the cat a little bit of milk and the cat took the milk and brought it to the hag. The cat then said, “Nanny, nanny, I took water from the spring and gave it to the tree. The tree grew leaves. I took the leaves to the goat, the goat gave me milk. I have brought the milk to the nanny so the nanny gives me back my tail.” The nanny spilled the milk into a pot and then went up to the roof to fetch the cat’s tail. She then cut the cat’s behind with a knife and blood came out. She stuck the tail back in and when the blood dried up, the tail was stuck properly in its place and the cat fell asleep in the nanny’s lap, snoring.


Nilufar Shuja


Beware of the Enemy's Tricks



A group of young chickens lived together on a farm in the countryside. Among them lived a very wise rooster. All the birds looked up to this rooster. Every time the wise rooster saw the chickens, he would tell them to share their experiences with each other and use the advice they receive so the they wouldn't fall for the fox's tricks. One day, the rooster found himself alone and decided to go and take a walk out in the fields. It was the season of spring and the trees were all full of beautiful blossoms. The flowers had filled the spring air with their fresh fragrance. The rooster was overwhelmed by the beauty of his surroundings, and he opened his mouth and began to sing a beautiful song. The fox, who was resting in his house near the area, heard the rooster's voice and ran toward him to hunt him down. When the rooster saw the fox running toward him, he quickly climbed up the tree and perched himself on a high branch. The fox saw the rooster hiding in the tree and in a surprised voice asked, "Hey rooster, why have to climbed up on the tree branch? Are you frightened of me? You and I have no hate between us. When I heard your voice, I enjoyed it and I came to see you. Look at how beautiful the weather is and how green the fields are. I would like it very much if we could take a walk together in this beautiful weather and for you to sing to me in your beautiful voice." The rooster, who had known that the fox's words were just a trick, said, "Yes! The weather is magnificent and the fields are wonderfully green and my voice is also very beautiful. But I don't know you and I recall that usually roosters and fox's do not befriend each other." The fox said, "Interesting, that you don't know me. I am very close friends with your father and he is a very good man. As a matter of fact, yesterday I was with your father and he spoke of your intelligence and wisdom. When we said our good byes, he asked me to look out for you in the fields and the wilderness so that no harm comes to you." The rooster answered, "'Til this moment, my father has never mentioned you. My father passed away last year." The fox replied, "Pardon me, I meant your mother. Yesterday, it was your mother I ran into and she told me to never leave you alone. Anyway, I am acquainted with your whole family. I don't know who has spoken ill of me to you. You still cannot recognize your friends from your foes." The rooster said, "I have heard nothing about you. But I know this much, foxes and roosters are not suppose to befriend each other. Since the fox is the enemy of the rooster, if the rooster is smart then he should not offer his friendship to the enemy." The fox asked, "Who is the enemy? You are not aware that the lion has ordered all the animals to be friends and not to bother each other. Therefore, the wolf and the sheep are friends, the dog doesn't mess with the fox, the chicken rides on the back of the coyote all over the fields. I am in awe that you are not aware of any of it." When the fox was saying these words, the rooster turned his head and raised himself as if he was looking at something far away that was quickly approaching them. The fox asked him where he was looking and why he was not listening to him. The rooster replied, "I see an animal that is coming towards us. I don't know what it is. But it is bigger than a fox, it has huge flat ears, and is hurrying over toward us." When the fox heard the rooster's description of the animal, he stopped talking to the rooster and ceased his trickery. Looking very desperate, he packed up and started to leave. The rooster saw that the fox was very excited and frightened and asked, "Where are you going? Wait until we see what it is. It might be another fox." The fox replied, "No thank you, from your description it seems that it is a hunting dog and we don't have a very pleasant relationship with each other." The rooster asked, "But you just told me that there are no enemies among the animals and we are all friends." As the fox was running away he answered, "Yes, that is true but I am afraid that the dog, like yourself, has not heard the lions orders!" The wise rooster laughed at the cunning fox and began to climb down the tree. He started toward his farm to share the story of the foxes deceit and trickery with his fellow chickens.

Faruq Samim



Translated by Nushin Arbabzadah


The King and the Monster



Once upon a time, there was a king who had a loyal vizier. The king would always consult with the vizier about everything. But one day, the king ended up breaking his leg. His vizier told him that the broken leg might turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The vizier’s reaction made the king very angry. Hence, the king removed the vizier from his post and sent him to prison. While this was happening, a huge monster happened to get ill. The monster’s doctor told him that the only way for the monster to return to health would be to make a stew with the king’s brain. The great monster sends someone to fetch the king and then starts preparing the king to die. But then his doctor says that they should wait and first check whether the king is fully healthy. Upon inspection, the doctor realizes that the king has a broken leg. He tells the monster that the king is disabled and hence his brain is not going to cure the monster. The monster then orders the king to be released and to return to his palace. Upon return, the king immediately releases the vizier from prison and lavishes plenty of gold on the vizier, giving him back his job. The meaning of this story is that sometimes, the bad things that happen to you are in fact a blessing in disguise.